Dynamic QR Code API

QR Code API- Developers Resources

Sandbox API ENDPOINT: https://www.omqrc.com/qrcodetestapi

Developers can integrate UPI QR Code API ( Application Programming Interface) into their web applications or mobile applications to generate dynamic QR Code. For generating promotional QR Codes or expirable QR Codes or QR Codes for specific Projects, please contact us.

Want to start QR Code business or need to generate high volume of QR Codes for your applications, buy QR Code Server to generate QR Codes, UPI QR Codes, B2C QR Codes, SEPA QR Codes or any other payment scehemes QR Codes. Your QR Code server will be customized for your sepecific project requirements.

ParametersData TypeWhether MandatoryDescription
apikey string Yes Register and get your API key from member area
qrdata string yes Information to be encoded in QR Code
You can pass value as text, URL, Phone No, Location, VCard Detail
Plase enter | for New Line in text having multiple lines
bgColor string no background Color
hexa Color Code without #
frColor string no Foreground Color
hexa Color Code without #
size number no from 50 to 1000 pixals
If Size not defined, 500 pixel QR Code will be generated
logo string no logo file url
Feature not available for testing.

Minimum Paramters Sample Requests

UPI Request with minimmum paramerters


Integrating UPI QR API in HTML Pages

<img src="https://www.omqrc.com/qrcodetestapi?apikey=apikey&qrdata=https://www.omqrc.com&size=150" alt="" title=""/>

PHP Code to Integrate UPI QR API into your website

Javascript for integrating UPI QR API into your website

ASP.NET Code for integrating QR Code API into your website

Integrating QR Code API into BI Publisher

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