ZATCA QR Codes API- Developers Resources


Developers can integrate ZATCA QR Code API ( Application Programming Interface) into their billing applications to generate dynamic ZATCA QR Codes. API automatically calculate & pass value in Tag, Tag Length & Tag Value (TLV) by encoding the raw information passed into the API as per ZATCA QR Code Specifications.

ParametersData TypeWhether MandatoryDescription
apikey string Yes Register and get your API key from member area
seller_name string yes Name of the Seller
vat_registration_number string yesSaudi Arbia VAT Registration No.
invoice_datetime string yes Invoice generation Date & Time if format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ
invoice_amount string yes Invoice Amount in format 1500.00
invoice_tax_amount string yes Invoice Tax Amount in format 150.00
bgColor string no background Color
hexa Color Code without #
frColor string no Foreground Color
hexa Color Code without #
size number no from 50 to 1000 pixals
If Size not defined, 500 pixel QR Code will be generated
logo string no logo file url
Feature not available for testing.
output string noimage -> if required output is QR Code Image
JSON-> If required output in JSON. Output will be JSON and image will be encoded in base64 String
If option is not defined, image will be the output in response

Minimum Paramters to get ZATCA QR Code

UPI Request with minimum paramerters

C# HTTPClient Code to get ZATCA QR Code

C# Rest Code to get ZATCA QR Code

Curl Code to get ZATCA QR Code

JAVA OkHttp Code to get ZATCA QR Code

JAVA Unirest Code to get ZATCA QR Code

JAVA JQuery Code to get ZATCA QR Code

Node.js Code to get ZATCA QR Code

PHP cURL Code to get ZATCA QR Code

Python http-client Code to get ZATCA QR Code

Swift -URL Session Code to get ZATCA QR Code

Ruby -Net::HTTP Code to get ZATCA QR Code

Integrating ZATCA QR Code API into BI Publisher

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