UPI QR API- Developers Resources

Sandbox API ENDPOINT: https://www.omqrc.com/upiqrtestapi

Developers can integrate UPI QR Code API ( Application Programming Interface) into their web applications or mobile applications to generate dynamic UPI QR Code.

Want to start QR Code business or need to generate high volume of QR Codes for your applications, buy QR Code Server to generate QR Codes, UPI QR Codes, B2C QR Codes, SEPA QR Codes or any other payment scehemes QR Codes. Your QR Code server will be customized for your sepecific project requirements.

ParametersData TypeWhether MandatoryDescription
apikey string Yes Register and get your API key from member area
paymode string conditional bankac for transferring payment by bank account and IFSC Code
mobile for transferring payment by mobile no. and mmid
vpa for transferring payment by UPI ID
Parameter Not required for receiving payment by VPA.
vpa string yes Virtual Private Address created from any bank UPI APP
Note:VPA will be assumed as default, in case paymode parameter is not defined.
payee string Yes Receiver of the payment
txnid string No This must be PSP generated id when present. In the case of Merchant payments, merchant may acquire the txn id from his PSP. If present then needs to be passed as it is.
billno string No Bill No.
Note: If bill Number is not supplied, then you will not be able to identify against which bill, payment has been received.
amount Currency #.00 No Bill Amount, In case amount is not supplied, payer will have to fill the amount.
minamt Currency #.00 No Minimum amount payable
txnnote String No Transaction note providing a short description of the transaction.
url string No Website URL for transaction related infomation
sign string No Base 64 encoded Digital signature needs to be passed in this tag.
orgid string No If the transaction is initiated by any PSP app then the respective orgID needs to be passed. For merchant initiated/created intent/QR "000000" will be used
mid string No Merchant id (max 20) shall be passed in this tag
msid string No Store id (max 20) shall be passed in this tag
mtid string No Terminal id /Sales Man id (max 20) shall be passed in this tag
size Number between 50-1000 No Size of the UPI QR to be generated. If blank, then default size will be applied
front Hexa Color Code for foreground No If not supplied , then black and white UPI QR with be generated.
back Hexa Color Code for backgroundNo If not supplied , then black and white UPI QR with be generated.

Minimum Paramters Sample Requests

UPI Request with minimmum paramerters


UPI Request with paymode parameter


UPI Request with paymode, billno and amount parameter


UPI Request with paymode, billno, amount & size parameter


Integrating UPI QR API in HTML Pages

<img src="https://www.omqrc.com/upiqrapi?apikey=apikey&paymode=bankac&vpa=bankaccountno@ifsccode&payee=payee%20name&billno=billno&amount=200.00&size=150" alt="" title=""/>

PHP Code to Integrate UPI QR API into your website

Javascript for integrating UPI QR API into your website

ASP.NET Code for integrating UPI QR API into your website

Integrating UPI QR API into BI Publisher

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